NOAA Partnerships

Public-Private Partnerships
Partnerships are integral to accomplishing NOAA’s mission. Working together, government, academia, and industry can produce greater benefits than working separately. NOAA successfully achieves its wide range of environment-focused missions through the support of a highly-skilled, passionate and diverse workforce, which includes federal employees, contractors, grantees, as well as dedicated volunteers.
Businesses, universities, and non-profits may all partner with NOAA to conduct research and development related to our mission. For companies or individuals looking for funding opportunities, please use the links at the bottom of this page to locate funding or contracting opportunities are currently available.
To enter into a CRADA with NOAA, you must first have a NOAA lab or program that is interested in collaborating. We recommend contacting a lab or program directly to discuss possible collaborations. Information on your local NOAA facilities can be found on the NOAA in Your State web page.
Note: NOAA does not accept unsolicited funding requests. Please use to locate open opportunities at NOAA and other federal agencies.
NOAA Open Data Dissemination (NODD)
NOAA generates tens of terabytes of data per day from satellites, radar, ships, weather models, and other sources. While these data are available to the public, it ca be difficult to download and work with such large data volumes. NOAA’s vast wealth of data therefore represents a substantial untapped economic opportunity.
NOAA Open Data Dissemination (NODD) provides public access to NOAA’s open data on commercial cloud platforms through public-private partnerships. These partnerships remove obstacles to the public use of NOAA data, help avoid costs and risks associated with federal data access services, and leverage operational public-private partnerships with the cloud computing and information services industries.
NODD combines three incredibly powerful resources: NOAA’s expansive collection of high-quality environmental data and expertise, the vast infrastructure and scalable computing capabilities of our industry partners, and the innovative energy of the American economy. NODD currently works with three infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) providers, including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud (GCS), and Microsoft Azure, to broaden access to NOAA’s data resources. These partnerships are designed to not only facilitate free and open data access for users, but also foster innovation by bringing together the tools necessary to make NOAA’s data more readily accessible.