SBIR Success

Two people on a boat examine a fishing buoy

A match made at sea: Two NOAA-funded small businesses partner to protect marine mammals

California-based Blue Ocean Gear and Washington-based Crab Raft, Inc. are collaborating on their respective technologies for a common goal: to develop gear for the fishing industry which is safer for marine mammals, and easier for fishermen to use.

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Five people standing near a drone refueling station prototype

NOAA seed funding gives small startup a boost

See our latest NOAA SBIR Program success story on small business NEOEx Systems. They have developed a liquid-hydrogen fuel technology to replace traditional fuel and electric power supplies on aerial drones, potentially extending mission duration by up to 20 times.

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Two whales swimming in the ocean

NOAA SBIR-funded company joins partnership to protect marine mammals

Vineyard Wind announced a new partnership with Charles River Analytics aimed at protecting marine mammals during the construction of the Vineyard Wind 1 project, the first commercial-scale offshore wind project in the U.S.

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A man operates a drone in a grassy field

NOAA SBIR-funded company develops satellite wildfire detection

With NOAA funding, MyRadar is training artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms with data from the urban-wildland interface, where buildings are adjacent to wilderness areas.

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Photo of air monitoring device in a yard.

A NOAA-funded startup innovates for social good

A small company with big ideas delivers solutions to non-technical and tech-savvy users As the catastrophic Colorado wildfires of late 2020 burned out of control, a small company based in Fort Collins, Colorado, decided to use the event as a rare opportunity to test a brand-new technology. At the time, Access Sensor Technologies was developing a modernized air quality monitoring station, using early-stage funding they received from the NOAA Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program.

A NOAA-funded startup innovates for social good Read More »