SBIR general news stories.

Two people on a boat examine a fishing buoy

A match made at sea: Two NOAA-funded small businesses partner to protect marine mammals

California-based Blue Ocean Gear and Washington-based Crab Raft, Inc. are collaborating on their respective technologies for a common goal: to develop gear for the fishing industry which is safer for marine mammals, and easier for fishermen to use.

A match made at sea: Two NOAA-funded small businesses partner to protect marine mammals Read More »

A woman standing in front of a digital screen project and next to a NOAA logo banner addresses an audience.

Small businesses showcased their NOAA-funded technologies at SBIR Demo Day

It might be December, but technology innovation heated up last week on the U.S. West Coast. NOAA’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program hosted a technology Demo Day in Los Angeles, California on December 6.

Small businesses showcased their NOAA-funded technologies at SBIR Demo Day Read More »


NOAA issues FY24 call for SBIR Phase I proposals

On September 28, 2023, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) issued its Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 Phase I Notice of Funding Opportunity for the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program. NOAA Phase I SBIR awards provide up to $175,000 to fund a six month period of performance for conducting feasibility and proof of concept research. The tentative award start date for the FY24 competition is June 1, 2024.

NOAA issues FY24 call for SBIR Phase I proposals Read More »

FedTech Podcast banner with photo of Genevieve Lind

Genevieve Lind, PhD, featured in FedTech Innovator podcast

In this episode of the “FedTech Innovator” podcast, host Ben Solomon sits down with Genevieve Lind, PhD, from the NOAA’s Small Business Innovation Research Program to discuss NOAA’s approach to the SBIR proposal, the administration’s vast mission space, and her path from neuroscience to leading NOAA SBIR.

Genevieve Lind, PhD, featured in FedTech Innovator podcast Read More »

A montage showing ice, a wildfire, a hurricane, a roadblock, the sun, and corn growing in a field

NOAA invests $16M in small business innovation

The NOAA Small Business Innovation Research Program has awarded approximately $16 million in grants to 47 U.S. small businesses. This seed funding will support research and development of innovative technologies across NOAA’s mission. The winning proposals span multiple research topic areas, including climate change adaptation and mitigation, coastal resilience, and extreme weather events, among others. This year, 30 companies were each awarded up to $175,000 in Phase I startup capital to test the feasibility of their proposed technologies over the next 6 months. Small businesses were selected to receive funding based on the scientific and technical merit, level of innovation, and commercial potential of their proposed technologies.

NOAA invests $16M in small business innovation Read More »