TPO Partnerships

Supporting Atmospheric Research & Expanding Observations from Platforms Opportunity

Measure greenhouse gases and other pollutants during domestic U.S. flights onboard a United Airlines aircraft. Establish a partnership that could significantly improve monitoring of carbon dioxide, methane, and other greenhouse gases, as well as improving the accuracy of weather forecasts in the United States. In addition to the NOAA press release linked above, see the White House Fact Sheet press release for more information.

Supporting Atmospheric Research & Expanding Observations from Platforms Opportunity Read More »

An uncrewed aircraft

Evaluation of Weather Data Profiles with Meteodrone UAS by GrandSKY and Synoptic Data PBC

Deploy advanced weather drones to gather upper air observations up to an altitude of 16,900 feet. NOAA will evaluate and determine if the data collected could benefit forecasters at the National Weather Service as well as the effectiveness of deploying drones in the weather observation role.

Evaluation of Weather Data Profiles with Meteodrone UAS by GrandSKY and Synoptic Data PBC Read More »